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Oracle Retail Industry Forum Europe 2014 in London

Axamit company is planning to visit the Oracle Retail Industry Forum Europe 2014 (ORIF Europe), which will take place in London on September 10-11.

On September 10-11 the Oracle Retail Industry Forum Europe 2014 (ORIF Europe) will be held at the Renaissance St. Pancras Hotel in London.

ORIF Europe is a key event for the clients and partners of Oracle Retail, as well as for the representatives and experts of retail industry.

The forum is designed to help the participants of Oracle Retail partner program to discuss the challenges facing the industry and share information on different projects.

The Oracle Retail Industry Forum Europe 2014 is expected to be focused mainly on the latest ecommerce trends, retail industry case studies and review of the technological innovations and solutions proposed by Oracle Retail.

Visiting the Oracle Retail Industry Forum Europe 2014 will certainly become a good chance for Axamit, as a Gold Status partner of Oracle, to participate in scheduled networking discussions and share our best practices with the leading representatives of retail community.

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