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We’re driven by the belief that outstanding work is born from vision, mastery, and collaboration.

Axamit Becomes a Member of the Magento Association

In November 2022, Axamit became a member of the Magento Association. Joining this vibrant global community was an easy decision for us, and we are thrilled to support and be a part of it.

The Magento Association plays a crucial role in nurturing the growth of the Magento Open Source Project, which serves as the lifeblood of numerous online businesses. By supporting the association, we contribute to the sustainability of e-commerce as a whole and the success of the Magento ecosystem.

We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and the positive impact of open-source software on technological advancements. As members, we can collaborate with fellow Magento specialists, learn from our peers, and actively contribute to the community.

Our dedication extends beyond supporting the Magento Association and its open-source community; we are also committed to building expertise in implementing Adobe Commerce. Through close collaboration with clients and delivering seamless e-commerce solutions, we have gained valuable firsthand experience.

To ensure that we provide the highest level of service and innovation to our clients, our team remains at the forefront of Magento’s advancements. With a deep understanding of both Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce, we are well-prepared to assist businesses of all sizes in achieving their e-commerce goals.

As members, we gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise shared by the Magento Association. Just imagine having a direct line to a vibrant network of experts and enthusiasts who are always ready to offer assistance.

The association’s Slack channel serves as a space where we learn, collaborate, and grow together. In addition, we have access to a wide range of resources available to community members, including insightful articles, inspiring podcasts, and other educational materials that keep us updated with Magento’s ever-evolving landscape.

Being a member also means that we are among the first to learn about the latest happenings in the Magento world and have the opportunity to participate in the association’s events.

By supporting the association, we can give back and actively contribute to the growth and success of the Magento ecosystem. Together, we can empower merchants, drive innovation, and make a real difference in the world of e-commerce.

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