#Adobe Experience Platform

What is the Experience Data Model XDM in Adobe Experience Platform


The Experience Data Model (XDM) is a publicly documented specification that provides common structures and definitions for how customer experience data is formatted in Adobe Experience Platform. It is a key component of Experience Platform that standardizes customer data ingested from various sources into a common representation.

Overview of XDM

XDM provides a standard way to organize customer experience data and define schemas for ingesting that data into Experience Platform. It allows for the integration of data from multiple sources, including online, offline, CRM, and third-party data. By standardizing data into a common model, XDM makes it easier to gain insights and take action across multiple Adobe Experience Cloud solutions.

Key Features of XDM

  1. Standardized Data Structure: XDM defines common fields and data types for describing customer experience data, such as personal details, web interactions, product information, and more.
  2. Extensible and Reusable: XDM is extensible, allowing organizations to define custom fields and data types to meet their specific business needs. It also promotes reusability by enabling the creation of standardized schemas that can be shared across teams and solutions.
  3. Time-Series Data Capture: XDM supports the capture of time-series data, enabling the tracking of customer interactions and behavior over time.
  4. Data Governance: XDM provides a foundation for data governance by defining clear data structures and relationships, enabling better control and understanding of customer data.

Using XDM in Adobe Experience Platform

XDM is a crucial component of Adobe Experience Platform, as it enables the ingestion, organization, and management of customer experience data from various sources. Here’s a high-level overview of how XDM is used in Experience Platform:

  1. Schema Creation: Using the Experience Platform user interface or APIs, organizations can create and manage XDM schemas that define the structure of their customer experience data.
  2. Data Ingestion: Customer data is ingested into Experience Platform using the defined XDM schemas. This data can come from various sources, such as web and mobile applications, CRM systems, and third-party data providers.
  3. Data Mapping: During ingestion, the incoming data is mapped to the corresponding XDM fields and data types, ensuring a consistent representation of customer data across different sources.
  4. Data Exploration and Insights: Once ingested, the standardized customer data can be explored, analyzed, and used to generate insights and drive personalized customer experiences across Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, such as Adobe Analytics, Adobe Campaign, and Adobe Target.

By providing a common language and structure for customer experience data, XDM plays a crucial role in enabling data-driven decision-making and delivering personalized, omnichannel experiences within Adobe Experience Platform.

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