#Marketo Engage

What Are Marketo Inherited Tokens And How Do They Work


Marketo Inherited Tokens are a type of Marketo Tokens that are passed down from program or folder levels to local assets such as emails, landing pages, or smart campaigns. They help to streamline and automate content personalization in marketing activities.

What Are Inherited Tokens in Marketo?

Inherited tokens in Marketo are pre-defined variables that can be used to populate content dynamically in a Marketo program or asset. These tokens can be set at the program or folder level, and their values are automatically populated within the assets contained in that program or folder. This allows for consistency and automation in the delivery of personalized content.

How Do Marketo Inherited Tokens Work?

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how Marketo Inherited Tokens work:

  1. Create a Token at the Program or Folder Level: The first step is to create a token at the program or folder level. This could be a date, text, number, or even a script token. The token is defined with a specific value that will be used to populate content.
  2. Use the Token in an Asset: Once the token is created, it can be used in any asset within that program or folder. This includes emails, landing pages, and smart campaigns. To use the token, you simply include its name in double curly brackets, like this: {{my.tokenName}}.
  3. Marketo Populates the Token’s Value: When the asset is activated or executed, Marketo automatically replaces the token name with its value. This allows for dynamic content personalization based on the token’s value.

Advantages of Using Marketo Inherited Tokens

There are several benefits to using inherited tokens in Marketo:

  • Efficiency: Instead of manually entering values into each asset, you can define a token once and have its value populate automatically in all related assets.
  • Consistency: By using inherited tokens, you can ensure consistency in your messaging across various assets within a program or folder.
  • Personalization: Tokens make it easy to personalize your marketing content. For example, you can use a token to insert a recipient’s name into an email, or to display a specific date or event in a landing page.
  • Automation: Inherited tokens contribute to marketing automation by allowing you to set up dynamic content that changes based on the token’s value.

In summary, Marketo Inherited Tokens are a powerful feature that can enhance efficiency, consistency, personalization, and automation in your marketing activities. By understanding how they work and how to use them, you can elevate your marketing efforts and deliver more personalized and engaging content to your audience.

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