#Adobe Experience Manager

What is Replication in AEM?


Short Answer

Replication in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is the process of synchronizing content and data between an author instance and one or more publish instances or external servers. It is a key feature for making content available to end-users and for integrating with other systems.

Understanding Replication

Purpose of Replication

Replication serves several purposes in AEM:

  • Publishing Content: Transferring content from the author environment to the publish environment for public viewing.
  • Activating Content: Making new or updated content live on the publish instance.
  • Deactivating Content: Removing or hiding content from the publish instance.
  • Static Content Distribution: Moving content to a dispatcher or CDN for caching and faster delivery.
  • Data Integration: Synchronizing user profiles or other data with CRM systems or other external services.

Components Involved in Replication

  • Author Instance: The private environment where content is created and edited.
  • Publish Instance: The public-facing environment that serves content to visitors.
  • Dispatcher: A caching and/or load-balancing tool that helps manage website traffic.
  • Replication Agents: These are configured on the author instance to manage the replication process.

Replication Process in AEM

Replication involves several steps and components, which typically follow this sequence:

  1. Content Creation and Update: Authors create or modify content on the author instance.
  2. Replication Trigger: An author triggers replication by activating or deactivating content.
  3. Replication Queue: The content is placed into a queue on the author instance to be processed by a replication agent.
  4. Replication Agent: The agent processes the queue and transfers the content to the publish instance or external servers.
  5. Receipt Confirmation: The publish instance confirms the receipt of the content and makes it live or removes it, based on the replication action initiated.

Configuring Replication in AEM

Setting Up Replication Agents

  1. Navigate to Replication Agents: Go to the Tools menu in AEM and find the Replication section to access replication agent settings.
  2. Configure Agent: Create or edit a replication agent, setting properties such as transport URI, authentication credentials, and log levels.
  3. Test Connection: Verify that the replication agent can communicate with the target publish instance or external server.

Replication Actions

  • Activate: Also known as ‘publish’, this action sends content from the author instance to the publish instance.
  • Deactivate: This action removes content from the publish instance, making it no longer accessible to end-users.
  • Test: An action that sends a test replication request to verify that the replication agent is configured correctly.
  • Reverse Replicate: This is used to transfer content from the publish instance back to the author instance, which is less common but useful in certain scenarios.

Best Practices for Replication

  • Monitor Replication Queues: Regularly check the replication queues to ensure content is being published as expected.
  • Secure Replication: Ensure that replication agents use secure communication protocols like HTTPS.
  • Content Approval Workflow: Use workflows to manage the approval process before content is replicated.
  • Disaster Recovery: Have a replication strategy in place for disaster recovery, including backups and redundant systems.
  • Replication Load Management: Schedule replication during low-traffic periods to minimize the impact on server performance.


Replication is a fundamental mechanism within AEM that allows for a smooth transition of content from the authoring phase to the end-user experience. It ensures that the right content is available at the right time and that the author and publish environments are synchronized. Proper configuration and management of replication are essential for maintaining the integrity and performance of an AEM-powered website.

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