#Adobe Experience Manager

How to Create a Page in AEM?


Short Answer

To create a page in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), you use the AEM Sites console to navigate to the location where you want the new page, then use the “Create” action to define the page properties and select a template for the new page.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Page

Accessing the Sites Console

  1. Log in to AEM: Start by logging into the AEM Author instance with your credentials.
  2. Open the Sites Console: Navigate to the AEM Sites console, typically found in the main navigation menu under ‘Sites’.

Choosing the Location for the New Page

  1. Select the Parent Page: In the Sites console, browse to the location where you want to create the new page. This could be the root of the site or a subpage under which you want to create the new page.

Creating the Page

  1. Initiate Page Creation: Click on the “Create” button, usually represented by a plus icon, to open the ‘Create Page’ dialog or wizard.

Selecting a Template

  1. Choose a Template: Select from the list of available templates that define the structure and components of the new page. This choice depends on the type of content you are planning to add.

Defining Page Properties

  1. Enter Page Properties: Fill in the properties for your new page, such as the title, name (which affects the URL), and any other metadata that is required by your organization’s content model.

Completing the Creation Process

  1. Create the Page: After entering all the details and selecting the appropriate template, click on the “Create” button to finalize the creation of your new page.

Editing the Newly Created Page

  1. Open the Page Editor: Once the page is created, it typically opens in the page editor mode, where you can add and configure components.
  2. Add Components: Drag and drop components from the side panel onto your page and configure them as needed.
  3. Save and Close: Save your changes and close the editor when done.

Tips for Creating Pages in AEM

Understanding Templates

Templates are Crucial: They define the structure and available components on a page, so choosing the right template is essential for content authors.

Naming Conventions

Follow Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming for page names, which will help with SEO and page management.

Saving Work

Save Regularly: As you add and configure components, save your work to prevent any loss due to session timeouts or connectivity issues.

Previewing the Page

Preview Before Publishing: Use the preview mode to see how your page looks on different devices before making it live.

Publishing the Page

Publish When Ready: Once the page is complete and reviewed, use the “Publish” action to make the page available to site visitors.


Creating a page in AEM is a straightforward process that involves selecting a location, choosing a template, and defining page properties. AEM’s user-friendly interface simplifies this process, but content authors need to understand the importance of templates and follow best practices for page creation. Regular saving, adherence to naming conventions, and thorough previewing are key to ensuring that new pages meet both business and user needs.

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