#Adobe Experience Manager

How to Access the AEM Dispatcher Server?


Accessing the AEM Dispatcher server is typically done through the command line interface of the system where the web server (Apache, IIS, etc.) hosting the Dispatcher module is installed. Let’s walk through the process.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access the System
    Begin by accessing the command line interface of the system where your web server is installed. This could be through a terminal session if you’re using a Unix-like system (like Linux or MacOS) or Command Prompt/Powershell if you’re using a Windows system.
  2. Navigate to the Dispatcher Configuration
    Once in the command line, navigate to the directory that holds your Dispatcher configuration files. The location of these files depends on your web server and how it’s configured.
    For instance, in Apache HTTP Server, the dispatcher configuration is typically found in a .conf file (like dispatcher.conf) inside the conf directory of your Apache installation. You can navigate there using the cd command:

cd /path/to/apache/conf


  1. Open the Configuration File
    The Dispatcher configuration file can be opened with a text editor. For Unix-like systems, vi or nano can be used. For Windows, Notepad or Powershell’s notepad command can do the trick. For instance:

vi dispatcher.conf

Inside the configuration file, you can view and modify Dispatcher settings as needed.

Additional Explanation

What is AEM Dispatcher?

AEM Dispatcher is the caching and/or load balancing tool from Adobe. It’s the first point of contact for all client requests and serves cached content to improve performance, while also helping to protect your AEM server from attack.

Why Access the Dispatcher Server?

Accessing the Dispatcher server allows you to manage its configuration. This includes setting cache rules, load balancing settings, and security filters. It’s a crucial task for maintaining an efficient and secure AEM setup.

Things to Remember

When accessing the Dispatcher configuration, remember that any changes made can significantly impact your AEM instance’s performance and security. Always backup your configuration before making changes and only modify settings if you’re sure about the implications.

In conclusion, accessing the AEM Dispatcher server involves opening the command line interface of the system hosting your web server, navigating to the Dispatcher configuration files, and opening them with a text editor. Remember to proceed with caution, as changes to these files can greatly affect your AEM instance.

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