One of the tasks that AEM developers may meet is JCR content processing. Sometimes you need to update/modify/package/ analyze an immense amount of data, and doing this in a live environment makes it twice as difficult.
Here are some typical cases:
- Changing the content structure (for example, news/feb/event -> news/2015-2016/feb/event);
- Modifying/fixing content (for example, need to change ‘colour’ on ‘color’ on every page);
- Analyzing content (on MSM, editors use assets from another website, need to find all wrong usages);
- Preparing and packaging content (e.g., during migration from CQ5.x to AEM6.x, you need to analyze content first and create a valid package for the migration).
There are several solutions and workarounds for each case:
- Servlets/JSP/Scriptlets
- AEM Util packagesDiscover how you can simplify batch content processing in Adobe Experience Manager using Groovy Console, making content updates, analysis, and migration a breeze in a live environment.
- External tools
- Groovy Console
Let’s focus on the Groove Console. It’s a silver bullet when it comes to solving issues like those mentioned above.
Here are a few advantages of Groovy Console:
- Does not mess up project code;
- Short and clear scripts;
- Predefined services/methods.
Getting Started
The AEM Groovy Console is hosted on
https://github.com/Citytechinc/cq-groovy-console and is available for versions AEM/CQ5 starting from CQ5.4. Once the Groovy Console is installed on a local AEM/CQ5 instance, go to

The following predefined variables are immediately available for any groovy script:
- session – javax.jcr.Session
- pageManager – com.day.cq.wcm.api.PageManager-resourceResolver-org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolver
- slingRequest – org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletRequest-queryBuilder-com.day.cq.search.QueryBuilder-bundleContext-org.osgi.framework.BundleContext-log-org.slf4j.Logger
methods (some of them):
- getPage(String path) – Get the Page for the given path, or null if it does not exist.
- getNode(String path) – Get the Node for the given path. Throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException if it does not exist.
- activate(String path) – Activate the node at the given path.
- deactivate(String path) – Deactivate the node at the given path.
And imports:
- com.day.cq.search
- com.day.cq.tagging
- com.day.cq.wcm.api
- com.day.cq.replication
- javax.jcr
- org.apache.sling.api
- org.apache.sling.api.resource
You can also use history and script archives. These features allow you to solve these issues in an easy and elegant way.
Let’s say we need to find pages with the “baking” word in the title and replace it with “banking.”
import com.day.cq.commons.jcr.JcrConstants
def search = "Baking"
def replace = "Banking"
def path = "/content/geometrixx"
def property = JcrConstants.JCR_TITLE;
def query = createSQL2Query(path, search , property)
def result = query.execute()
result.nodes.each{node ->
def title = node.get(property)Learn what AEM Dispatcher is and how it combines the capabilities of the Static Web Server and Content Management Server for better caching, load balancing, security, and request processing management.
node.set(JcrConstants.JCR_TITLE, title.replaceAll(search ,replace))
println node.path
def createSQL2Query(path, term, property) {
def queryManager = session.workspace.queryManager
def statement = "SELECT * FROM [cq:PageContent] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([${path}]) and s.[${property}] like '%${term}%'"
def query = queryManager.createQuery(statement, "JCR-SQL2")
As you can see, the Groovy console solution is straightforward and logical.