#Adobe Experience Platform

What is Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service


Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service is a core service within Adobe Experience Platform that bridges identities from disparate data sources, linking customer behavior data to identified individuals. It acts as a central intelligent service for cross-channel identification and data governance.

Identity Stitching and Linking

The primary function of Identity Service is to “stitch” or link identities from various data sources to create a holistic view of each individual customer. It accomplishes this by:

  1. Ingesting identity data from multiple sources, including online, offline, and third-party data.
  2. Combining fragmented identity data into a unified customer profile using private device graphs and machine learning.
  3. Providing a persistent identifier (namespace) for each individual profile.

This identity stitching process enables organizations to recognize customers across channels and devices, facilitating personalized experiences and accurate audience segmentation.

Identity Graph

At the core of Identity Service is the Identity Graph, a private device graph that maps relationships between identities from various data sources. The Identity Graph consists of:

  • Identity Namespaces: Labels that categorize identity data (e.g., email, ECID, AAID).
  • Identity Values: The actual identity data values (e.g., name@email.com, 08965783745, etc.).
  • Identity Clusters: Collections of identity values that are determined to belong to the same individual.

As new identity data is ingested, the Identity Graph continuously updates to reflect the most current state of known identity relationships.

Identity Governance

In addition to identity stitching, Identity Service provides robust identity governance capabilities, allowing organizations to:

  1. Set identity data usage labels to comply with data privacy regulations.
  2. Manage identity data based on consumer consent preferences.
  3. Enforce data policies and access controls for identity data.

These governance features help organizations maintain transparency and control over how customer identity data is used across Adobe Experience Platform.

Use Cases

Identity Service enables a wide range of use cases, including:

  • Omnichannel personalization: Deliver consistent, personalized experiences across all touchpoints.
  • Audience segmentation: Create precise audience segments based on unified customer profiles.
  • Customer journey analytics: Gain insights into customer behavior across channels and devices.
  • Data governance: Manage customer data in compliance with privacy regulations and consent preferences.

By bridging identities and providing a single view of the customer, Identity Service empowers organizations to deliver exceptional, privacy-complaint customer experiences at scale.

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